About Me
I am an accredited registered Counsellor/Psychotherapist with BACP, working in private practice. My working life as a therapist scans over 25 years. My past working experience with Norfolk Mental Health Care NHS Trust, Family Action [Voluntary Sector] Social Services & currently working with Waveney Domestic Abuse Forum as a sessional trauma therapist.
I work as an integrative therapist, that brings together different elements of specific therapies, tailored to individuals needs. My approach is client centered which provides a supportive environment in which clients can re-establish their true identity.
Alongside my qualifications, I have had many life experiences and all the techniques that I use, I have experienced myself, so therefore I understand, that people can change. Each of us needs compassion, encouragement and understanding, to be acknowledged, listened to, in order to re establish our own identity. I provide a safe, calming, relaxing, positive environment, for you to share and explore your thoughts and feelings, and to have the willingness to work with me, as therapy is a two way relationship.
BACP Accredited Therapist – BACP Register of Counselling & Psychotherapists – Adhere to Ethical Framework of Good Practise & Code of Conduct
My Services
I am an experienced trained therapist, using many techniques focusing on longer term therapy, looking deeper for awareness of emotional issues, and the foundations of the problem. I integrate simple effective ways to deal with negative emotions and this may or may not be linked to Trauma Therapy.
I am here to work on what individuals want, and to enable you to achieve your aim.
Shorter term therapy to relook at what is causing clients distress, to restore emotional well being, within a talking therapy approach, but integrating whatever techniques will enable client to change and ‘Find Yourself’!
You may have Irrational fears, either learnt or have always had them, such as: fear of spiders, heights, flying, dentists etc….
These can be simply, painlessly, quickly cleared, with no exposure.
Trauma Therapy
To clear any deep traumatic event, that continually triggers you back to when it happened, even though the event has passed, whether it was a recent event or long term. If you are re experiencing, reliving incidents, which may lead you to avoiding situations, which block your life, and exhaust you!
Then I may be able to help you. I work in a simple calm and relaxing way using Eye Movement Integration, which clears the trauma, leaving the incident feeling ok and normal.
EMI [Eye Movement Integration]
This technique is a brief technique used in treating acute & complex trauma and PTSD, also phobias, the symptoms associated with addictions and negative and self limiting thoughts and beliefs.
Often used in conjunction with trauma therapy, psychotherapy and phobias. This is relatively painless and often used with trauma therapy and psychotherapy.
Group Work
I have been devising and implementing groups for over 20 years, I can devise a group for you and your colleagues, friends, whether it is life skills, coaching, assertiveness, mind/body techniques, for 2 or more people.
I believe that anyone can make positive changes, if they are taught how to understand what the problem is, how to change, and are shown the right way for them.
Life Coaching [NLP]
To enable you to effectively bring about changes of your choice, to improve your coping skills, the way you look at life, to bring about changing negative behaviour, patterns and beliefs, promoting your well being, physically, emotionally and mentally, to make positive changes in your life.
Neuro Linguistic Programming [NLP]
Is a simple, easy, powerful approach to your personal development. Whether relationships, work, stress, negative behaviour patterns, negative beliefs, cause confusion and block who you really are. You can change your old behaviour patterns, using FUN techniques, inspiring new ways to re look at issues and problems, for you to make positive changes in your life. We are born with everything to reach our full potential, during our lives we become blocked with negative learnt behaviour patterns, NLP coaching can enable you to reach your potential.
My Purpose-Built Tranquil Therapy Room
This room has been my vision for many years, I believe and practise that if you look at what you want, see what you want, then your mind will aim for this. This is exactly how my therapy room evolved, It began with the heart of the room, a wood burner! My passion was to be able to work from my own therapy room, in a quiet, safe, calm, comfortable environment, surrounded by nature throughout the seasons. My clients comment on how safe and peaceful it feels, enabling them to learn to listen, stop, relax, become in touch with themselves.